Plotter for cutting : Graphtec series CE and FC


Graphtec plotter CE serie


Cheap and efficient : CE 5000 is the best for cutting.

You want a fast cash back ? CE 5000 series are for you. This model got high performance and Graphtec mark detection system. It is more accurate trimming operations in preprinted images. This tracer will increase your productivity.
Plotter Graphtec FC8000


FC8000 Graphtec serie is Robust, accurate and efficient


A cutting strengh of 600 gf
You can cut a large amount of material in order to create stickers, vynile cutting, solar film, protection film...

A cutting speed of 1485 mm/s
You can now do your job so fast.
5 width formats
61cm - 76,2cm - 106,7cm - 137,2cm - 162,6cm.
Easy to use
You can drive the plotter directly from your computer. LCD screen display simple icons.
New inovative mark detection system.